Who We Are
Our Clergy, Community & History
Hierarchy & Clergy
We are headed by the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America. Like Greek, Russian, or Serbian Orthodox, we are all in communion and believe the same doctrine.
Our Archpastor and Chief Priest heads the whole church of the United States, which is in turn headed by the Patriarcate in Antioch, Syria.
Rev. Fr. Colin Barker Priest/Pastor
Fr. Colin is a transplant to the Mahoning Valley – but don’t hold that against him. He is blessed to be here and loves the community of St. Marks.
He came to the Orthodox Christian faith as a teenager but felt his whole life that he was called to the priesthood. As a pastor’s kid himself, he grew up with ministry at the forefront of his mind.
As a young man, he served in the United States Marine Corp. While stationed in California, he met his wife Khouria (Arabic title for “Priest’s wife”) Cathryn when visiting a local parish. After their early years of marriage, Fr. Colin attended St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary and earned his Master's in Divinity. He was then placed as pastor of St. Mark Church. They have three young children and have found the Mahoning Valley to be a welcoming place to plant roots.
Fr. Colin is constantly pursuing deeper knowledge in the Faith and seeks to guide Christ’s flock to the Eternal Kingdom.
In his free time, you can find him deciphering which Bible translation is the best, gardening, walking, or spending time with his family.
He wishes you to know that all are welcome to come and explore the depths of the Orthodox church at St. Mark Church, Youngstown, Ohio.
The St. Mark Community
As a parish, we come together for regular worship and outreach. There is a saying in the Orthodox Christian community that we pray before we pray, then we pray after we pray. The Lord himself showed us that communion with Him is through prayer. So our worship services are first and foremost in importance.
But as a community, we also have events and times of fun that grow our communal relationship as we are called to do in Holy Scriptures.
Whether through Sunday School, cookouts, harvest parties, and more, you will see a community that is of one accord and striving together towards the Kingdom of Heaven.
Attached/retired Priest:
Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Rohan
Orthodox Christian Timeline
33 AD Orthodox Christian Church was established by the Apostles of Christ with the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost
325 First Ecumenical Council held in Nicea
326 Discovery of the True Cross by the Empress Helena
963 Athanasius of Athos establishes the first major monastery on Mount Athos
~ 1053 By this time, Christianity spread across the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Much persecution throughout the 1000 years
1054 The Great Schism between western and eastern churches. Establishes the distinction between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Christian Church
1500s Protestant Reformation
1672 Synod of Jerusalem discusses the differences between the Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Churches
1900 Ethnic families leaving their Mother-lands for the United States
1904 Bishop Raphael (now St. Raphael) Hawaweeny travels through the United States ministering to immigrants and their families. He is instrumental in establishing Antichochian churches all over the country.
St. Mark Parish History
1961 Families of Youngstown, Ohio come together desiring a church that worshipped in English. Fr. Nicholas Kobbs oversees their discussion and helps make their dream a reality.
1962 A young seminarian from St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary visits the community after hearing about the endeavors of the community. With their combined efforts, under the direction of Fr. Nicholas, St. Mark was formed under Metropolitan Anthony Bashir. Life as a mission parish was underway, which included renting an old church building and using a portable iconostasis from St. Elias Church in Toledo, OH.
1963 Fr. Mark Campbell becomes the first full-time priest – this was the St. Vladamirs seminarian who helped them in the beginning.
1967 Fr. Micheal Azkoul serves as interim parish priest.
1968 Fr. Philip Koufos becomes the new full-time priest. Over 40 families now comprise the St. Mark parish.
1971 Current parish property was purchased. Fr. Phillip does the iconography for the church – he is now a nationally known Byzantine iconographer.
1977 The Dedication of St. Mark Orthodox Church and Center.
1979 Fr. Paul Graycar assumes the role of the parish priest.
1988 Fr. Daniel Rohan assumes the role of the parish priest and serves faithfully for 32 years.
2020 Fr. Colin Barker assumes the role of the parish priest and serves currently for the flock of Christ.
St. Mark pray to God for us!
Icon Gallery
Rt. Rev. Fr. Philip Koufos & Denis Bell